Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Simion&Baciu recognized again as Top Tier Firm in Legal 500 rankings

12 Aprilie 2022   |   BizLawyer

With respect to the Intellectual Property practice of the firm, the guide stated that Simion & Baciu Law Firm has an ‘excellent‘ practice that is ‘smart and hands on with all issues related to IP‘.

The Legal 500 has once again ranked Simion&Baciu as top tier firm in the areas of TMT: Gambling Law and Intellectual Property, with Ana-Maria Baciu  ranked as leading individual for both Intellectual Property and TMT Gambling Law,  Cosmina Maria Simion  ranked as leading individual for TMT Gambling Law, and recommended for Intellectual Property, Andreea Bende  ranked as Next Generation Partner for Intellectual Property, Andrei Cosma  ranked as Rising Star for TMT Gambling and Zsofia Halmagyi recommended for Intellectual Property.

With respect to the Intellectual Property practice of the firm, the guide stated that Simion & Baciu Law Firm has an ‘excellent‘ practice that is ‘smart and hands on with all issues related to IP‘. The team has good credentials for IP portfolio management, including registration and prosecution strategies, IP rights transfers, licensing and franchising, as well anti-counterfeiting, trade mark infringement and litigation. The group has an impressive range of technology and media clients, particularly on the gambling side, as well as life sciences, consumer goods and manufacturing. Among the partners, Cosmina Simion is ‘a brilliant lawyer and a very trustworthy person‘, while Ana-Maria Baciu and Andreea Bende are ‘both wonderful professionals with a deep knowledge of IP law‘.

When describing the firm’s TMT Gambling Practice, the guide mentioned that Simion & Baciu Law Firm is a boutique firm that has quickly established itself as Romania’s premier destination for clients in the gambling industry. The firm covers clients from all corners of the market, from advice to online betting exchanges and casinos through to land-based operators and industry service providers. The growing practice is more than capable of handling major corporate mandates, as its advice to Novalpina Capital on its Maxbet acquisition demonstrates. […] Founding partners Cosmina Simion and Ana-Maria Baciu ‘are unquestionably the ‘go to’ lawyers when it comes to Romanian gambling law and regulation’. Clients also rate associate Andrei Cosma, whose ‘knowledge in technical compliance is outstanding‘.

According to clients:
‘The Simion & Baciu team is excellent. Having spun off only few years ago, they are an established top tier player in the Romanian market – for good reasons. Great client service, top quality, friendly people.’
‘What makes this practice unique is that the partners understand the realities of working within a business, making them practical and business-friendly. In the event that some legal requirements are difficult to meet due to the nature of the specific operation, they go the extra mile to assist and come up with a workable alternative solution.’
‘We have strongest confidence in Cosmina Simion who is a brilliant lawyer and a very trustworthy person. She has managed to gather a strong professional team around her practice’
‘Without a shadow of doubt, the go to team when it comes to gambling, IP & TMT in Romania. Ana-Maria Baciu is simply phenomenal.’
‘Andreea Bende’s know-how on trademarks and strong hand handling gives us the confidence that our trademark portfolio is well monitored and protected. We also note the work of their new addition to the team Zsofia Halmagyi, which is consistent with firm’s level of services.’
Andrei Cosma – His knowledge in technical compliance is outstanding and he is one of the professionals with the highest degree of understanding (and capacity to explain to others) the specific technical functionalities of a gambling infrastructure.’

Simion & Baciu brings together a team of 18 attorneys and intellectual property counsel, united by a passion for the law and a desire to deliver the most useful results for clients.
Simion&Baciu`s services cover a wide range of practices including intellectual property, gaming, consumer protection and advertising, technology and media, data protection, corporate law and M&A, life sciences, litigation, etc.
With over 20 years of experience, Simion&Baciu team offers a fresh and effective perspective, focused on clients' business needs and success.
Simion&Baciu team members are recognized worldwide by specialized guides (Chambers and Partners, Legal 500, Managing Intellectual Property, WTR 1000).






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