Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR acted for shareholders in Berg Software sale

23 Noiembrie 2021   |   BizLawyer

The team of lawyers comprising Alina Stavaru (Partner) and Andrei Tosa (Associate) advised on all stages of the sale process – structuring, due diligence, transaction documents.


RTPR assisted the shareholders of Berg Software in relation to the sale of 100% of the company to AROBS Transilvania Software, a provider of software services and solutions for various industries. Having 30 years of experience in the IT sector, Berg Software is a local software outsourcing and custom software development company, with a presence in the Western part of the country with offices in Timisoara, Lugoj and Oradea.

The team of lawyers comprising Alina Stavaru (Partner) and Andrei Tosa (Associate) advised on all stages of the sale process – structuring, due diligence, transaction documents. The team was also supported by Ianita Tui (Counsel) for real estate matters and Vicu Buzac (Senior Associate) as regards intellectual property aspects.

We are very pleased with the collaboration with the RTPR team, who guided us professionally along the sale process, demonstrating a very good understanding of the field in which we operate, in addition to their recognised experience in M&A. This moment is a celebration of the valuable experience gained in the last 30 years, but also a new beginning together with the great AROBS family.”, declared Rodica Berg, founder & CEO of Berg Software.

Undoubtedly, the IT sector is one of the most effervescent in Romania. Almost daily we read about new developments, start-ups or industry giants that want to enter the Romanian market. This time we see a transaction between two Romanian entrepreneurs, two solid businesses, with development plans and future projects, a successful model for other players at the beginning of the road. We are happy to have advised Berg Software and we would like to congratulate them for the signing of this deal.”, declared Alina Stavaru, Partner RTPR.

With a Corporate/M&A practice recognised as one of the best in Romania and recommended for its expertise in international legal directories, Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000, the RTPR team has an extensive experience in transactions in the TMT sector (technology, media, telecom) gained over the years in various roles for a portfolio of clients covering the entire TMT areal: technology, telecom, media, social media, film distribution, online gaming, from Romanian entrepreneurial start-ups to global industry giants.

Selected M&A transactions in the TMT sector in which RTPR have recently advised are set out below:

-        the founders of Keez in relation to the sale of the majority stake to Visma group, one of the largest software development companies in Romania, based in Norway

-        123FormBuilder and its shareholders, Catalyst Romania, Florin Cornianu and Adrian Gheara, in relation to the investment of 212, a venture capital fund specialised in tech companies

-        the shareholders of Intelligent IT, the company renowned for the billing software SmartBill, in relation to the sale of the business to Visma group

-        AROBS Transilvania Software, a market leader in software products and services development, on the acquisition of SAS Grup and UCMS Romania

-        Catalyst Romania, the private equity fund advised by 3TS Capital Partners on several investments in the TMT sector in Romania: Avangate, Vector Watch, SmartDreamers, Intelligent IT, Marketizator Friends, Internet Corp, Vola, 123ContactForm, Green Horse Games, Simartis Telecom

-        South Eastern European Fund on the sale of Total Soft S.A., the most important ERP producer in Central Europe

-        Facebook on the acquisition of the LiveRail group, a video advertising business created by a Romanian entrepreneur







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