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EconMin Nasui: Romania-Israel business forum, perfect opportunity to strengthen bilateral economic cooperation

10 Iunie 2021   |   Agerpres

Romania's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR) and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Romania organized on June 9, the Romania -Israel Business Forum on the occasion of the official visit to Romania of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

The Romania-Israel Business Forum is the perfect opportunity to explore and capitalize on the trade opportunities offered by the two states, Economy Minister Claudiu Nasui said today during the event in Bucharest, mentioning that this is the perfect place to strengthen economic cooperation between the two states and to develop new projects.
Romania's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR) and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Romania organized on June 9, the Romania -Israel Business Forum on the occasion of the official visit to Romania of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.
"It is a great honor for me to address this business forum today in the presence of Israeli and Romanian high-ranking officials. The Romania-Israel Business Forum is the perfect occasion to explore and capitalize on the business opportunities the two states have to offer. I would like to warmly welcome Romanian and Israeli companies to this forum. I am convinced that it is the perfect place to strengthen economic cooperation between the two states and to develop new projects. We are very grateful to His Excellency, the President of the State of Israel, Mr. Reuven Rivlin, for his important support for the organization of this event," said Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Claudiu Nasui.
The official delegation of the State of Israel included important government officials and representatives of Israeli companies from the sectors of defense, smart cities, cyber security and national security; health and health digitisation (software and equipment manufacturers); agriculture and water management (irrigation systems, greenhouses and animal husbandry technologies).
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said that while discussions between governments provide the basis for official relations, B2B and, ultimately, people-to-people ties are the true basis for a vibrant partnership between nations. The Israel - Romania economic cooperation has tremendous potential to bring great mutual benefits to both countries. There are currently 137 joint projects, involving 251 Israeli and Romanian companies, he went on to say, adding that Israel greatly appreciates Romania's continued support to ensure that Israel is a full partner in all relevant EU programs.
In his turn, Romanian Prime Minister Florin Citu said that he encourages the Romanian and Israeli business communities to identify, in cooperation with their governments, a joint emblematic project that should capitalize on the two countries' rich experience in research, education and business.
"Predictability is the best strategy for a sustainable business environment. For my government, improving and ensuring predictability is one of the main coordinates of efficient governance. It's simple: we don't raise taxes, we don't change the rules mid-game," Florin Citu said.
According to the president of Romania's Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mihai Daraban, CCIR is the strongest and most representative organization of the Romanian business community, representing more than 15,000 companies through a strong national and regional infrastructure.
"Also, our organization is a full member of the most prestigious international entities, such as: Eurochambres, the Association of Balkan Chambers (ABC), the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization's Business Council (BSEC BC), and is also a member of the World Chambers Network. CCIR has acted and will continue to act for the benefit of our business community and looks forward to developing sustainable projects designed to encourage a friendly business climate for investors interested in the Romanian market," said Mihai Daraban.
The thematic sessions and business-to-business meetings organized at the CCIR Business Center aroused the interest of companies both for strengthening the promotion of goods and services in the State of Israel, and for identifying new business opportunities.
According to data provided by the National Trade Register Office, the total volume of Romania-Israel trade amounted to 570.15 million euros at the end of 2020. As of March 2021, there were 8,298 companies established by Israeli investors in Romania, with a total subscribed share capital of 64.04 million euros.






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