Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Iohannis: I will continue to support rational legislation, adoption of responsible measures in accordance with market economy

31 Octombrie 2020   |   Agerpres

The head of state states in the message that no one has been able to anticipate the health crisis that has far-reaching implications for the economy, and in this context, despite uncertainties, the recovery capacity must be commensurate, through a combined effort of companies and the state.

On Friday, President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on the occasion of the "National Ranking of Private Companies in Romania" stating that he will continue to support rational legislation and the adoption of "responsible, realistic measures in accordance with the principles of the market economy."
"The macroeconomic picture for the second quarter of this year was a black one for most economies. Even if the current forecasts do not indicate the rapid recovery we want, recent developments still give us reasons for optimism. Industrial production has returned to positive territory, the inflation rate has remained moderate and the economy continues to benefit from exchange rate stability, and in 2021 the speed of the economic recovery will be due to the facilities provided by the Government in this time of crisis. Strengthening the economic governance framework is of essential importance. I will continue to support sound legislation and the adoption of responsible, realistic and market economy-based measures. All this period, together with the Government and through dialogue with the business milieu, real solutions for maintaining jobs, ensuring working and investment capital have been found and implemented. In the coming years, companies will have access to European money for business support infrastructure, stimulating innovation and competitiveness. These are the essential aspects for the sustainable economic growth and for the quality of life of the Romanians, not the promises without coverage and without fiscal-budgetary responsibility," says Iohannis in the message that was read by the presidential adviser Cosmin Marinescu.
The head of state states in the message that no one has been able to anticipate the health crisis that has far-reaching implications for the economy, and in this context, despite uncertainties, the recovery capacity must be commensurate, through a combined effort of companies and the state.
The head of state points out that, in the context of the problems caused by the health crisis, research shows that only 30% of SMEs consider the business milieu to be favorable, and the big problems remain human resources, bureaucracy and the financing situation.
"In terms of bureaucracy, the current crisis is also an opportunity to force a change in the mentality of working in state institutions. As you have noted, new ways of working have already been imposed in different areas of central and local government. SMEs now have more electronic means to interact with the authorities and I assure you that the digitalisation of the administration will continue at a fast pace. Regarding the financing issue, we have the assurance that there will be resources for the further development of the financing programs for the economy, through guaranteed loans and grants for working capital and investments. Another very important source of financing is represented by the operational programs, especially through the more accessible funds, for SMEs," Iohannis says.
The 28th edition of the "National Ranking of Private Companies in Romania" is organized by the National Council of Small and Medium Private Enterprises in Romania.






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